05 March 2011


This is the first doily I crocheted. I had never tried making one before, I used mercerized yarn size 10 but I don't remember the exact hook size, it was probably a 7 or 8. This was given to Grandma Liz for her birthday Feb. 21 2010. I also made one for my mother - her birthday is Feb. 28, except I was unable to finish it in time, and gave it to her later on that spring. The pattern shown (Doily 7274) is from Vintage Crochet I had not purchased a book yet because I didn't know if I would be able to understand how to make them since the only other thing I crocheted was the purple shirt posted on the main page that I saw being made on Knit and Crochet Today on PBS. It is a pattern from Season 2 called "Crochet Child's Tube Dress". While I was looking for the pattern I used I found a cute dress pattern I'd like to try. The doily I made for my mother is from the book "A Dozen Doilies" it is pattern number 9 "Audrey" I finished it on March 12, 2010, I know I spent well over 15 hours on it. However, I did not take a picture of it. At the same time I started a pink doily, number 6 from the book "A Dozen Doilies" "Anastasia" and got confused about 1/3 of the way through and had to rip out and eventually just finished. This small 3 inch doily was given to Grandma Liz Christmas 2010.  I am currently working on "Alexandra" in a lavender. It is mostly chaining and clusters and I don't particular find it enjoyable to crochet; however, the doily as a whole will be pretty.

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